Our Partners
FELTP operates and works closely with various stakeholders towards the fulfilment of its mandate. They include academic institutions, research institutions, government agencies, kenya county governments among others.
The CDC’s Division of Global Health Protection (DGHP) explores global health issues through the various program. Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) and Improving Public Health Management for Action (IMPACT) are two such programs implemented under this division. The CDC partners with Kenya’s Ministry of Health to build and sustain Kenya’s FETP and IMPACT programs. Kenya FELTP also receives the bulk of its technical and financial support from the CDC.
As a network, TEPHINET supports FETP quality improvement through their accreditation program, provides learning and professional development opportunities for FETP trainees and graduates through scientific conferences and learning materials, assists with field epidemiology workforce mobilization, and facilitates resource-sharing among FETPs through their networking initiatives.
As an implementing partner to organizations such as the CDC, WHO, the U.S. Department of State, and others, TEPHINET provides operations and training support to FETPs through funded projects.