Maurice Owiny
2 April, 2024
In 2021, Kenya reported a total of 77,854 drug-sensitive Tuberculosis (DSTB) cases, representing a 6.7% increase compared to 2020 when the Country notified
72,943 DSTB cases. The incidence of TB in the country was estimated at 140,000 in 2021, indicating that at least 44% of incident TB cases were either missed
or not notified in the year, indicating gaps in case notification. Among the top 10 counties with the highest number of DSTB cases in 2021 were Nairobi, Meru,
Kiambu, Mombasa, Siaya, Nakuru, Turkana, Kitui, Homa Bay, and Machakos. Meru County specifically has been experiencing recurrent outbreaks, contributing the
highest number of DS-TB cases in 2022.
Commodity availability and accessibility are crucial for providing TB services and sustaining the healthcare system. The National Strategic Plan for Tuberculosis,
Leprosy, and Lung Health Program 2019 – 2023 outlines indicators for supply chain management of TB commodities to ensure their availability at all levels of the
healthcare system. The Division of National Leprosy, Tuberculosis, and Lung Disease Program (DNLTD-P) has set targets for reporting rates, data quality,
order fill rate, procurement turnaround time, pharmacovigilance reporting, surveillance, distribution, stock out rates, and expiry rates.
The availability and utilization of TB commodities are essential for the successful treatment of TB cases. However, gaps in commodity availability may lead to
severe consequences such as death or the development of drug-resistant TB. Therefore, monitoring data quality regarding commodity availability and utilization
is critical for ensuring effective TB treatment. Although Meru County has experienced a high burden of DS-TB cases, commodity data quality assessments have not
been routinely conducted. This assessment aimed to fill this gap and assess commodity availability and utilization in Meru county.
The broad objective of the assessment which was conducted between March 24 and 1st April 2024 was to assess the quality of TB case notification and TB commodity data for DS-TB in Meru
County from January 2023 to December 2023. The specific objectives included:
- Conduct a TB data quality audit in selected health facilities in Meru County from January 2023 to December 2023.
- Determine the influencers of Data Quality in Meru County through Key Informant Interviews.
- Inform the program on the commodity DQA and plans.
- Assess the availability and use of revised reporting tools.